Monday, October 31, 2011

What does your credit score say about you?

When we introduce ourselves to someone new, we typically ask or are asked "What's your name?" followed by 'What do you do for a living?" We rarely ask "So, who ARE you?" To most people that would be awkward, right? In a day and age where many of us do not even know our neighbors, how does a potential lender determine who we are? It is determined by your credit score. So, what does your credit score say about you? Does your credit score accurately reflect who you are? Bad things happen to good people, this results in good people having bad credit. Don't let your credit score mis-represent you. Contact SCS 1-866-997-6591.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Mark your calendar!

Making your credit payments on time is one of the biggest contributing factors to your credit score. Some banks offer payment reminders through their online banking portals that can send you an email or text message reminding you when a payment is due. You could also consider enrolling in automatic payments through your credit card and loan providers to have payments automatically debited from your bank account, but this only makes the minimum payment on your credit cards and does not help instill a sense of money management.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


The credit score range doesn’t start at 0 or 1, and it doesn’t end at 100 or 1000. It starts at the odd figure of 300 and ends at 850. So no matter whether you have a good score or a bad one, the credit score range will always be within 300 and 850.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

If you don't have it, you've got to borrow it!

Our society lives by the rules of the money game. No matter what people say about money not buying happiness, cash is still king. If you don't have it, you've got to borrow it, but with bad credit, you're going to have a tough time convincing your banker that you've got an ounce of credit worthiness left. So getting your act together today to do credit repair is to your best interest.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Credit History= Inquiries

A credit history paints a pretty vivid picture of what sort of person you are, don't let credit problems continue to hurt you. Everyone deserves a clean start and SCS is here to do just that. Do not get another declined letter again, save money by obtaining lower interest, and stop all of the collector's calls. This is just a few benefits you will obtain from Signature Credit Services.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

In debt?

(CBS) Millions of young men and women are just starting a new year at college and, along with their schedules and dorm assignments, they're getting credit card applications. Plenty of them. That, says resident Early Show financial adviser Ray Martin, can be very dangerous to their financial health down the line. So, Martin has an important lesson about handling credit responsibly, for students and their parents, alike. To read more click the link below...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Credit Counts for Everything!

A good credit rating is more than just an obscure number that will guarantee you credit when you need it. These days, creditors aren't the only folks taking a look at credit scores. Insurers, apartment managers, and even employers are referring to a persons credit score to help them decide if they will offer premium insurance services, approve a new lease, and offer employment.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Your credit defines who you are.

The most important thing for a young man is to establish credit - a reputation and character.
--John D. Rockefeller

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Mix of Credit

This is one of the most overlooked and easily manipulated areas of your credit profile. The "ideal" credit profile is a person who has one or two mortgages, one or two installment loans, and 3-5 credit cards. This is because it is better to have a potential borrower who has experience with all 3 types of credit: mortgages, installment loans (loans with regular repayment plans), and credit cards. By obtaining some secured credit cards, you can hit that ideal range of 3-5 credit cards and start maximizing your score. For more information contact us for a free consultation: 1-866-997-6591

Friday, October 14, 2011

Get Better Rates!

Our clients do not enroll in a credit repair program just so they can say they have better credit; they want what better credit can get them.
Have you learned a friend or family member is paying less for their mortgage than you are paying in rent? Driving an unreliable car with a high car payment? Are you being denied a better job you are otherwise qualified for? For additional information you may contact our office for a free consultation @ 1-866-927-6591.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Did you know?

The Hard Truth:
If you want a loan, whether it is for a new home, car, or education, you have to get your credit score above 700.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Enroll Today!

After you enroll in our program, we demand that the credit bureaus and creditors verify that all reporting items are accurate. You will receive updates every thirty to forty five days.
Just send us the updates, and we will do the rest.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Traffic Citations

Who would of ever thought of speeding/parking tickets to show up on your credit report? Unpaid tickets eventually get turned over to a collection agency. This will then be reported on your credit report causing credit scores to decrease. Remember this applies to any debts owed to the government not excluding LIBRARY FINES!!! For additional information you may contact our office for a free consultation @ 1-866-997-6591

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Why fix your credit?

Bad credit is a slippery slope, and the climb back to financial health can prove difficult without the right tools. Although you can do it yourself, the process of credit repair can require time, knowledge of federal consumer laws, and meticulous communication skills and record-keeping. Many people struggle with credit repair simply because they do not understand all of the elements involved. Please let us help and do all the work for you!
For more information contact us at (866) 997-6591.